the first flash was gr8 the others were shitty!!!
What a great guy !
Age 37
Drifter Bum
A Good School
Providence, Rhode Island
Joined on 1/14/05
the first flash was gr8 the others were shitty!!!
The first flasj
I laughed at your magnifient
the most
Theres somethin about Catoblepas
PROTIP: Bad drawings and animations on purpose and bad humor on purpose isn't fucking funny.
THe first animation was top notch. The thing is that everything after was a fucking clusterfuck of cancer.
The whole animation looked like this:
Are we funny yet ?
I don't know LOL
If it looks bad it's INTENDED. Laugh now please.
Going for ultimate crappiness isn,t the way to go, it's not funny.
I wouldn't reccoment this flash for anyone, I expected something great, but in the end it's just 2 parts of the same horrible unfunny shit. 2 PARTS, you could have removed alot of things and even make it in one. Too bad if some people's animation suck, don't include them. The most important thing is the VIEWER.
I mean comon, it's not like you guys don't have any talent, don,t waste it with this kind of shit.
Man I wish I could tell you that I read all of that
But I cant
looks like venomking doesn't get it
ah well!
Hahaha, looks like Bug is butthurt.
lmfao venomking please kill yourself asap
CDM if i sent you my updated part in flash 8 format would you add it in or would that be pushin da limit
fuck yu
Sigh, why am I even arguing with a bunch of trolls...
venomking, are you trying to say that the audience we tried to reach (people who like brawl) doesn't like what we made?
that would be gay because we put so much effort into pleasing them, and them only...
yes why are you arguing when you could be playing brawl
Now dats an idea
I know you guys just wanted to call Rina chan and that other faggot's (wich I forgot the name) bullshit. I never even said it was supposed to be appealing to brawl fans. The thing is that, we already fucking know this, we do not need another cancer flash collab pointing it out. I know you might think from what I said that I might be trying to defend them or that I might be the usual brawl-tard, but it's not the case. Why wasting time doing crappy shit to point out how these people are just rehashing the same shit when you could just do your own thing and elt them be forgotten?
So I can actually watch enjoyable Flash.
In fact I'm just butthurt because I want my 10 minutes back.
I think they work well as a set and did enjoy em. That should be a sufficient comment in this space.
Yea it does the trick
lmfao venom you miss the point so entirely
it was shit
only bug's parts were funny
Well I wanted you to be in the collab but you refused so I had to settle for a buncha clowns!
Then tell me Psi, what am I missing?
and i must admit that psi did a suprisingly alright job
it didnt make me burst out laughing but concept wise it was better than 90% of the other shit
Dats it Im makin you another Birthday vid
please.. don't make collabs ever again.. :D
Ok I wont!javascript:NewsPosts.GetPost (308595).SaveResponse(1404689);
You are magnificent. Is there going to be a Street Funnies by any chance?
Fuck no
i saw it. the first flash was the, the rest was shit. some what funny though.
CoolDrMoney (Updated )
What was dat song in the frst flsh!?
And fuck you the flash was great! Kirbopher and Rina are GODS you jealous man!